
After my brief stopovers in Calatayud and Zaragoza, I continued on the route of the AVE high speed train route toward the coast. My next stop was Lleida, a historic city in Catalunya. I was not there long enough to get a real feel for the town, but did get a chance to go up to the cathedral turned fortress “La Seu Vella” high atop a hill in the center of the city.
La Seu Vella - Lleida


La Seu VellaLaSeuVella04




Flags of Lleida, Spain, and Catalunya
Flags of Lleida, Spain, and Catalunya




In this view, looking out over and past Lleida, you can see the tall turbines of a large wind farm in the distance.
In this view, looking out over and past Lleida, you can see the tall turbines of a large wind farm in the distance. (If you click the picture you can enlarge it) Wind farms are quite common in Spain.